Benefits of Virtual Reality

The past few months have changed the way people interact and work. Covid-19 seems to have cast a long shadow in every sphere of life. From virtual conferences to online classes, web consultations with doctors to online grocery, technology is the need of the hour. With social distance becoming the new normal, business travels have come down and work from home models are likely to continue for a longer time. Everyone is in it together, as it has affected all the sectors. These are sensitive times that can make or break a brand. However tough times make us think of concrete ideas as some of the finest innovations took place during crisis time. Did you know the original idea of zipper happened during world war I, when it became an instant success among US sailors whose uniforms did not have a pocket.And the end of WW II, led to the development of plastic zippers.

This is the time to think about innovative ways to strengthen brand image, address consumer issues and make it easy. During such times, Virtual Reality has come to the rescue in many ways. With many business verticals adopting this technology to boost growth and continue their business,Virtual Reality development services in India has gained momentum in the recent past.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) transports the user to the virtual world. The virtual environment is multi-sensory and is highly interactive. The technology uses VR headsets and glasses focussing on audio, visuals and touch to give the audience a realistic experience. With virtual reality, you could see butterflies roaming around you or you could tour the planet. It can be innovative, exciting and engaging when incorporated in daily experiences.

Gone are the days when one would capture the attention of people with advertisements. The perceptions and strategies have changed now. People expect more than the product and service. It is the experience that counts.

Virtual Reality is not limited to entertainment alone. It has expanded to many other fields such as retail, tourism, education, healthcare, real estate and marketing.

Let’s take a look at how this technology has made an impact in various sectors.


Personalised shopping is made more exciting with Virtual Reality application. Stores like IKEA have started exploring the technology that lets its users check different products before completing their purchase. Product launches and brand awareness can be more effective on VR enabled platform. E-commerce might pave way to V-commerce, wherein a customer can view detailed product range, video reviews and then make a purchase. Companies like North Face and Alibaba are already using VR to boost their brands. It helps retailers reach a wider audience and enables access to a wide range of products. Virtual Reality development services in India have already embraced the idea to boost business growth.

Virtual Reality development services in India
Virtual Reality for Real Estate

Real Estate

As Virtual Reality offers a realistic experience, the process of buying a property can be simplified. A buyer can not only explore the property and location but also get additional details like credit score and financial details. The construction process, precautions etc can be visualised in a virtual environment before making crucial investment decisions.

Interior Designers and Architects

Architects can present their ideas through VR applications before a design is finalised. Interior designers can display their 3D design layouts through VR and carry out the changes in real time.A virtual walkthrough helps in understanding the designs better.

Virtual technology Development Services


Virtual technology in manufacturing might sound challenging as there is lot of hardware involved and the large plants go thorugh complex process which cannot be interrupted. However, there are certain areas where VR can be used for maximum benefit. VR can be used in checking the placement of equipment at right place, ensure everything is connected well which will help in safety. The design process can be simplified by prototypes that can be tested, tried and modified in case of any flaws.


The tourism industry is perhaps the hardest hit by the Covid-19 crisis. According to The World Economic Forum, the air travel restrictions will cost the industry $ 880 billion. This is the time when technologies like VR can encourage people to plan their next vacation. The 360 degree videos viewed on VR headsets, gives one the sense of being there. The user can get insights on history, monuments, landscapes and cultural settings. The immersive experience can create an urge to book tickets and visit these places when the crisis subsides. Though it cannot be parallel to the traditional tourism, it can delight a tourist particularly in the post Covid-19 when the industry needs to move ahead.

 tourism Development in india
Development of Museums In India

Museums and Monuments

Virtual Reality enables an engaging interactive experience of cultural and mythological treasures. The digital innovation blends the real world with the simulated one to take the visitors on a virtual path, allowing them to explore past tales. Virtual Reality development experts like Digital Eyecon Pvt Ltd, one of the leading VR development companies in Hyderabad, has implemented this idea at temples, museums and forts, enhancing the experience of visitors.


With world’s leading brands turning to VR, it definitely seems to be offering amazing marketing experience. VR has been around but of late it has become more prominent. For instance Coca Cola’s Christmas campaign in 2015, created an enjoyable virtual reality experience with a reindeer driven sleigh. The VR application enhanced the campaign that was enjoyed by children and adults alike. Traditional marketing methods are becoming less popular as people don’t have time to read, instead they wish to see. And this exactly has been the marketing strategy for quite a while now. Using VR in the marketing arena can take marketing campaigns beyond the traditional channel. Also, studies show that customers strongly associate with a brand that uses VR. It tends to create an emotional connection.

VR app development company in india
Health care services


The post-Corona times are likely to have a significant impact on how the healthcare is delivered. The overburdened hospitals will have to upgrade their processes so that healthcare professionals adapt quickly to customised treatments with online consultations. The widespread use of immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) can help analyse a medical condition and advise thereon.


More than 1.5 billion children are impacted by school closures worldwide. Getting education back on track is a concern for many parents and educational institutes. With 5G becoming more prevalent, the concept of digital education will become an accepted lifestyle. The use of Virtual Reality can enhance the learning by introducing new perspectives. The method not only ensures learning is fun but helps the students to focus well as seeing is believing. The technology is also accessible to visually impaired, with the help of touch vibrations. The trend of online education is set to grow phenomenally by the year 2022.

VR developers in Hyderabad

Investment in immersive technologies will lead to innovation, efficiency and progress. Hence, virtual reality development services in India are trying to harnessVR technology for a more sustainable growth. As one of the leading VR developers in Hyderabad, Digital Eyecon specialises in developing interactive and customised VR solutions.